
My eyes have led me down a path I never thought I would take. Although holding on to memories has always been important to me, I haven’t dreamed of being a photographer my whole life. I have, however, dreamed of keeping my kids small and my vacations alive. I have wished to stop time, to hold on to the moment, to bottle up my kids cute faces or the silly things they wear. To some extent, photography allows me to do just that. It has opened my eyes to a previously undiscovered world. It has allowed me to see the world around me with a deeper appreciation. I am constantly aware of the extraordinary among the ordinary and the beauty in the mundane. I don't see pictures. I see stories ... with both my eyes and my heart. I am a wordless storyteller. Thanks for joining me here.

A Day to Rest [personal]

I know this is theoretically my photography blog - but I cannot take the "me" out of my photography. So at least during this month, some of what I write will be about me likely with photography threads intentionally sewn throughout. Sundays I would like to step back if possible from the business side of AMWeakley Creative and focus a little bit more on pieces of me. I used to have a blog called "Pieces of Me" actually. Today I have some unorganized thoughts. What I share will not be complete on any one topic, and on many I could write pages and pages. But for now, I am just speaking from my heart. My goal is not to offend anyone or make anyone feel unwelcome. I give myself permission to not be perfect here. If I seek perfection, #1 - I will never hit the mark. #2, I will never write anything because my time is limited and I would never get it finished.

So what is on my mind right now?....Rest. 

Rest, like freedom, means something a little different to all of us. For me, I find I am most able to rest - to just be still, to cease striving, when I am unplugged and somewhat disconnected from the everyday. I probably have ADD. I live many moments feeling like my head is overflowing with complete chaos....and trying to stay one step ahead of my to-do list which I probably cannot even find because of the sheer number of commitments I have willingly entered into. [People-pleasing is another struggle of mine.] Many days I would just love for a feeling of being finished, the house being clean, something/anything being done completely, an escape from the chaos...

...but there are times. Other time. Times when I am alone - when I can escape the disorder and the many expectations...times when I have just a little quiet and a little time for personal reflection. Those are the times I can really, truly rest. For me, rest is not only stillness of body but a peace in my soul apart from what is going on around me. The Bible says that God rested on the seventh day of creation. I know not only is a day of rest important - but moments of rest....moments of slow, methodical, deep breaths are necessary. In my perfect days, I enjoy these quiet times at the start of my day, focusing myself on what lies ahead and spending time with the Lord, entrusting my day and my life to Him...not in a scripted manner but as talking to a friend and then breathing prayers throughout the day. Ole Hallesby said in his book Prayer, "Prayer is the breath of the soul, the organ by which we receive Christ into our parched and withered hearts." It is my life line to the King of the Universe. 

I enjoy these times the most when we are away from home. It is easiest to disconnect. I love pretty views. I believe in Psalm 19 that the "heavens declare the glory of God" and I love any chance to fix my eyes on that. 

I love wide open spaces and majestic scenes.

I love getting a few minutes to not only personally reflect but to notice things...things that I miss when I am rushing around. To open my eyes and let God speak to me. To listen.

I love sunsets. They make me feel in those few minutes - restful....and in complete awe and remind me of how small I am in this huge world we live in...and to be honest, of how little control I have over anything that happens. This could be frightening, but it makes me thankful that I know who is in control and I trust Him. I know God has a plan and a purpose and while I may not get it or have all of the answers, I trust Him. He has been faithful in the past and will be faithful in the future.

I share this because it is Sunday...for many a day of intentional rest - a day of worship too. I don't want to save my worship just for Sunday - I want to worship with my life, but I hope to take more time to just BE today....to count my blessings, to name them (If you have read any of Ann Voskamp's 1000 Gifts, you will know what I mean by that), spend time with the Lord and my family and to rest. I hope you too can carve away a few moments today - or later in the week to just BE.

Be blessed ~
Anne Marie

How do you rest?

Matthew 11:28-30
28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” ~ Jesus


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