
My eyes have led me down a path I never thought I would take. Although holding on to memories has always been important to me, I haven’t dreamed of being a photographer my whole life. I have, however, dreamed of keeping my kids small and my vacations alive. I have wished to stop time, to hold on to the moment, to bottle up my kids cute faces or the silly things they wear. To some extent, photography allows me to do just that. It has opened my eyes to a previously undiscovered world. It has allowed me to see the world around me with a deeper appreciation. I am constantly aware of the extraordinary among the ordinary and the beauty in the mundane. I don't see pictures. I see stories ... with both my eyes and my heart. I am a wordless storyteller. Thanks for joining me here.

Unexpected Blessings [Family]

As a photographer, I have the privilege of being in very emotional moments at times....ranging from true elation at a wedding or a birth to grief when faced with loss. Sometimes just looking at an image can conjure up emotions within me. Many of my clients I already know - and I am familiar with their stories. Others I may not know initially - but after spending time with them - I quickly feel like we have been old friends.

After each photo shoot, I go through and backup my photos, pick out my favorites, make duplicate copies, etc. While culling through my images after a photo shoot last year, I saw one that took my breath away. This is not infrequent, but this particular one was a genuine manifestation of a deep struggle this family had been journeying through.

....not because the image in and of itself was so beautiful - but because the story behind the image was absolutely wonderful....
This wasn't something I had set up either - which made it even more authentic.

I wrote a little about waiting yesterday on Facebook. Oh waiting is hard. In our society, we don't have to wait much. Information is at the touch of our fingertips, literally. We can check out library books , reconcile our checkbooks, and watch movies online. We can find any map on our phone at any second (Do you even remember the days of using a real, huge map - always too big to actually look at the whole thing at one time!). Additionally, there is an app for most everything. Waiting feels like a helpless act of doing nothing. I have never experienced infertility, and so I don't want to pretend that I know what it feels like. I cannot imagine...but the unknown and the waiting would seem to me to be almost impossible to live through. Those things coupled with the crazy hormones and emotions that naturally would be present seem like a roller coaster I wouldn't handle very well.

This family has dealt with infertility. In this picture, they have a sweet little boy who so desperately wanted to have a little brother or sister. His parents went through many things in hoping to have another child, but nothing seemed to be leading to the end result they all hoped for. He, however, would reassure his parents frequently that it would happen one day....
One day he would be a big brother.

Mom and dad kind of took a break from trying and deciding to just live in the moment with their son....

which is when they were surprised with another beautiful blessing. J would be a big brother!!! 

I was honored to take some pictures of their family during mom's pregnancy. The didn't know if he would have a baby brother or baby sister - but he was so genuinely joyful and happy about it. When I saw the picture above and the expression on his face, I was so thankful that he got his heart's desire. 

A few months later, his baby SISTER was born! What joy! He had no sibling jealousy - just so thankful and excited.

This framed print in her room was appropriate
(and a good reminder I am sure during the late night feedings ;).
This fall I was blessed again to visit with them and capture their growing family. Baby A has no lack of love and has fit in perfectly.

When I saw this last picture, I couldn't help but to remember that original picture from last year...J hugging mom's pregnant belly so tightly...and now, again not prompted by me, he reaches out to bear hug mom and dad. This time, his hands and heart are even fuller.

I am so thankful for unexpected blessings...I know so many people are struggling with infertility and I pray that God will strengthen you and give you peace and encouragement while waiting. 


Anonymous said...

Beautiful post and photos. So happy for their family!

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