
My eyes have led me down a path I never thought I would take. Although holding on to memories has always been important to me, I haven’t dreamed of being a photographer my whole life. I have, however, dreamed of keeping my kids small and my vacations alive. I have wished to stop time, to hold on to the moment, to bottle up my kids cute faces or the silly things they wear. To some extent, photography allows me to do just that. It has opened my eyes to a previously undiscovered world. It has allowed me to see the world around me with a deeper appreciation. I am constantly aware of the extraordinary among the ordinary and the beauty in the mundane. I don't see pictures. I see stories ... with both my eyes and my heart. I am a wordless storyteller. Thanks for joining me here.

Three Handsome Boys [Family]

My husband grew up in a family with 3 boys. I imagine it must be pretty awesome to grow up with two brothers. Probably awesome ~ mixed in with wrestling and strange bodily noises. I am just guessing. Aren't these boys handsome?
 I am also wondering if mom, although outnumbered, is a little spoiled by all these protective men/young men.
 Here is the sweet mamma with her youngest....
...if only we could keep them young for longer...
 See I told you they were handsome...
...and I know these boys.... they are sweet too.Thanks for a beautiful evening walking through the park and capturing memories. Many blessings to your family!


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