
My eyes have led me down a path I never thought I would take. Although holding on to memories has always been important to me, I haven’t dreamed of being a photographer my whole life. I have, however, dreamed of keeping my kids small and my vacations alive. I have wished to stop time, to hold on to the moment, to bottle up my kids cute faces or the silly things they wear. To some extent, photography allows me to do just that. It has opened my eyes to a previously undiscovered world. It has allowed me to see the world around me with a deeper appreciation. I am constantly aware of the extraordinary among the ordinary and the beauty in the mundane. I don't see pictures. I see stories ... with both my eyes and my heart. I am a wordless storyteller. Thanks for joining me here.

Two Families [Family]

On a recent cold day, I was invited to spend some time indoors photographing two sisters' families...The first family was a group of old friends. I grew up with one of their older daughters and she is still one of my closest friends today. Look at her beautiful little, grown-up sister.

This is the same pose these three have been doing for many years. It was so fun to see how little Caylah was just a few years ago! John and Susan, thanks for inviting me into your home to snap some photos of your family.

On to family number 2! Let's start with two of my favorites...
Who doesn't love the sweetness of a sleeping baby? Seriously.

Or the sweetness of a two year old who can't seem to find Santa yet. 

I love that the older brother is the only one who can catch a smile out of the younger one. Brothers are friends for life!

 I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! I know it will be lots of fun with these two cuties.

Kelsey [Baby + Family]

This was such a sweet family to photograph. They were so humble and loving. 

This little one was so sweet ~ I don't remember her crying even once. Look at these big beautiful eyes...

Mom and Dad, savor every little moment with her because one day you will wake up and realize she isn't a little baby anymore and you will wonder how it could have possibly gone by so quickly??? Thanks for letting me get some baby time and capture some images of your family! To see a few more, visit my Facebook page HERE.

Krysten and Matt [Wedding]

Their's is a love story.

During the toasts, her dad told about it and his best man talked about it. Matt and Krysten knew each other when they were little kids, playing outside in the streets of Pennsylvania. They went away, and then were brought back together as they grew older. Apparently, they were meant to be together.

I met Krysten on the night of the rehearsal dinner. She had a lot on her mind - as any bride would the night before her wedding. She couldn't believe that everyone was there just for her and Matt. And anyway, girls start dreaming about their wedding days when they are young. Everything needs to be just so. But on the day of her wedding, she was cool and calm. It was her day.

And everything was just so.

The beautiful dress... and the bouquet - [which smelled absolutely lovely.]
Seriously, check out these FABULOUS shoes.

The rings...

More florals and some special family jewelry.

Doesn't she look stunning?

Daddy's girl...

Mom's boy...

The groom...

Her dad read scripture during the ceremony.

So happy to be together in this moment.

Both parents looking on. So proud of their children but probably trying to believe that they are at this stage in parenting.

A huge milestone.

Giving your child away yet gaining another. I don't know if you can ever be totally ready for that.

I love the way Krysten is looking at Matt here.

And now, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kendall!

Reception details. Everything was wonderful.

The first dance.

The father daughter dance . Her dress looks so pretty and regal in this black and white image.

The mother son dance... Now, does this mother look she is enjoying herself? You should have seen her. She held nothing back! I heard her say afterwards to one of her good friends, "I had to do something fast or I would have cried the whole time." 

Not a bad strategy.

Best wishes to you both as you begin your new life together. Thanks for letting me share in your day and share it from my perspective.

Please go to Colleen's blog at CT Photo Memories to see the beauty of that day through her eyes.

Anne and Doug [Wedding]

Anne was finishing up details in the Church when I arrived for the wedding. She still needed to get not only herself ready – but also help the four children. Yet she was calm … and ready … and radiant.

Anne and Doug met at Church ~ a wonderful place to meet your husband or your wife. He had two girls. She had a boy and a girl.

I noticed something special about their family when we did their photo shoot a few weeks ago. They interacted together so effortlessly and seamlessly. It was beautiful. Doug was gentle and loving and helpful (come on, we all know how much men love family photo shoots!). Anne was relaxed and confident. Several times as I was snapping shots of the kids, I would notice them off in the background whispering to each other, gazing in each other’s eyes or grabbing a quick kiss. It was sweet and it was romantic.

I can't possibly anticipate the blessings I receive when I get to be a part of a family’s wedding day. Not only is it a great responsibility, it is a true honor. Let me share with you a glimpse of their special day.

The rings...

Hannah's shoes first...along with a special note from mom.
The bride's shoes.
The bride's bouquet...
Anne getting ready...
What could be making Anne smile like that?


knowing that the love of her life is sitting in the room next to her. And that he thinks she is beautiful.
And she does make a beautiful bride.


The love Anne and Doug had for their kids was really amazing.

Hannah sang one of her mom's favorite song's during the ceremony...her brother was so sweet and tender watching her.

Doug had to stop himself from kissing her before the ceremony had even started.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ritchey.

...I hope you share LOTS of smiles and laughter in your new life together.

The cakes were beautiful. Anne surprised Doug with a groom's cake and a special gift...

Tickets to the big game!!! Look at the anticipation on her face...Isn't it a great feeling when you know you are giving someone a great gift? 
There were quite a few children at this wedding and they couldn't have had a better surprise themselves. Check out this candy table! It was amazing.

Doug and Anne, Jake, Hannah, Kendal, and Cassidy ~ Thanks for letting me share in your special day. I am so excited for you to start this new journey together as a family.

Please click HERE to go to CTPhotoMemories and see the day thorough Colleen's eyes.